High Pressure Washer-HD 5/11 Cage-Force Auto Solutions-Karcher Dealer in Coimbatore High Pressure Washer-HD 5/11 Cage-Force Auto Solutions-Karcher Dealer in Coimbatore-Product Features and Benefits-- 1. Durable and robust With its brass cylinder heads, the 3-piston axial-piston motor unit ensures an exceptionally long service life. The sturdy pipe frame provides protection in continuous heavy-duty use. 2. Versatile The machine can be attached to the floor or the wall. Very compact construction style and minimal weight. 3. Easy to service Excellent access to all relevant components. Video Link: https://youtu.be/Kam1PHW7_J8 Contact: Mr. Senthilkumar (MD) Ph: 9865197879 For more info visit us at www.forceautosolutions.com
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